Clemson Online: Where Tech and Teaching Meet

Apply for the QM Cohort!

Ready to boost your online teaching knowledge, gain certification in best online practices, and receive $500 for your time? Then read on!  The QM Cohort Clemson Online is excited to announce the first QM Cohort starting in Spring 2023! This program is an opportunity for instructors to be trained in applying the QM Rubric to […]

Academic Integrity for Finals

Start planning for those final exams now – don’t wait until the last minute to set up the tools you need. Ensuring Academic Integrity during Finals Week The most effective way to ensure academic integrity is to assign exams and other assessments that are original, incorporate active learning, and can’t be found on the Internet. […]

Follow Up Friday

In case you missed it, catch this month’s talk about accessible PDFs! From the Archives: PDF Accessibility Check out the Lunch and Learn talk from Clemson Online’s Accessibility Coordinator, Michelle Tuten! She covers the importance of usability in creating digital content, how to create PDFs, and how to make those PDFs accessible for all users. […]

Spring 2023 Online Instruction Development Calendar

Check out our Spring 2023 Online Instruction Development Calendar to see what live trainings we have to support you.  Spring 2023 Online Instruction Development Calendar Canvas Jumpstart Series This pre-semester hybrid workshop series is for you to bring your laptop, questions, and ideas for using Canvas in your courses! Each day’s session will include an […]

Follow Up Friday

Plan ahead for the semester grading rush by familiarizing yourself with Speedgrader in Canvas!  From the Archives: Using Speedgrader to Save Time As the end of the semester looms in the not-so-far distance, you might be thinking about a pile of grading you will need to tackle. Don’t panic! You can expedite your grading using […]

Formative Assessments in Canvas

 Learn why formative assessments should be included in online teaching and how to use them to improve your course.  Assessments are your primary means of gathering information about your learners’ progression as they master the knowledge and skills you aim to teach. While there is a range of types of assessments, we are going to […]