Clemson Online: Where Tech and Teaching Meet

Newest QM Course Certifications

Clemson Online is proud to announce the official Quality Matters (QM) certification of two courses this fall: CSM 1000: Introduction to Construction Science and Management, taught by Gretchen Waugaman, Ph.D., and NURS 3190: Heath Assessment for RNs, taught by Kim Pickett, Ph.D. The QM Rubric focuses specifically on the design of the course in a […]

Get Ready for Summer 2024

We have opportunities for instructors to gain experience in online course creation and teaching with Canvas.

Spring 2024 Calendar Preview

Take a look at some of the sessions on our Spring ’24 Online Instructional Development Calendar!

Follow Up Friday

In honor of Accessibility month, consider joining the accessibility course to help you better provide for students.

Instructors Supporting Instructors

Developing an online course that successfully engages every student is a challenge, but here are some major advantages to teaching with online tools.