Join us Tuesday, March 23 from 6:00-7:00 PM for “How Did You Get There.”
The event is a discussion panel with GE employees who are also Clemson graduates. They’ll be discussing what led them to GE, some of their experiences with the company, the importance of maintaining a good GPA, and what they look for in applicants. There will also be a Q&A session.
This event is put on by the Clemson University Chapter of the National Society of Black Engineers and is sponsored by GE and PEER & WISE.
Join on your computer or mobile app
Click here to join the meeting
Join with a video conferencing device
Video Conference ID: 114 324 881 7
Alternate VTC dialing instructions
Or call in (audio only)
+1 860-785-9628,,275287556# United States, Hartford
(866) 799-9419,,275287556# United States (Toll-free)
Phone Conference ID: 275 287 556#
For more information or questions, contact Eric Prioleau (