On-Campus Internship Opportunity in the Life Sciences

The Clemson Light Imaging Facility, the advanced light microscopy core at Clemson University, is seeking an undergraduate intern for Fall 2021 semester. The facility houses 14 advanced light microscopes, including three laser scanning confocal microscopes, a multiphoton microscope, and two dark field microscope systems, one of which has spectral capabilities. More than 100 Clemson researchers and local companies use the facility to conduct research.

We are seeking an intern to assist in an ongoing effort to effectively and professionally market the Clemson Light Imaging Facility. For this position, we prefer applicants who are interested in working more than one semester. The successful applicant would be creative, innovative, and detail-oriented, with entry-level skills in Adobe InDesign, Photoshop, and Illustrator. He or she would continue to develop the facility’s marketing and branding strategy, creating graphics and other visuals to be distributed via multiple media. The intern would also use editing skills to ethically prepare images for academic and corporate users.

As part of the internship experience, the student would learn how to conduct various types of light imaging, including fluorescence, confocal, multiphoton, dark field, phase contrast, DIC, and polarized light microscopy. In addition to hands on experience with advanced light imaging techniques, the intern would be exposed to a number of ongoing research projects within the Clemson community. Current research projects in the core range from advanced materials, entomology, campus wildlife studies, cancer cell biology, nanoparticle studies, parasitology, biofilm formation, plant sciences and environmental toxicology.

Eligibility requirements: UPIC interns must be enrolled, matriculating, full-time (12+ credit hours for part time interns) Clemson University undergraduate students in good academic standing and non-academic alert status (minimum cumulative Clemson GPA of 2.0) and in good status with the UPIC program.

Once selected, in order to participate in the UPIC Program, student interns must enroll in the required INT course ($200 course fee) and complete hiring paperwork with the UPIC office. Interns cannot begin working until the hiring process is complete.

Location: Clemson, South Carolina United States

Desired Major(s): College of Science, College of Engineering, Computing and Applied Sciences, College of Agriculture, Forestry and Life Sciences

Compensation Type: Paid

Salary Level: Part-time @ $10


Further Details can be found by within the CLIF Intern (Fall 2021) post on Clemson Job Link, or by visiting the website.