The Southern Section of Association of Official Analytical Chemists (SSAOAC) meets in Atlanta every spring. This year it was April 18 – 19, 2023. It is an all-volunteer organization. Beth Hardin has served on the Board of Directors for the last 5 years and continues to do so as the chairperson of the Registration Committee. The conference allows networking with people across the US. There are presentations sharing current scientific findings and panels with experts from various fields including method and standard validation, chemistry, and food microbiology. At the Annual Conference, SSAOAC strives to provide scientists with affordable opportunities to hear technical presentations, fulfill training needs (through vendor scientific technical workshops), and provide a forum to keep the attendees abreast of the latest technical challenges and how to solve them.

This year SSAOAC was lucky enough to have 2 of our Regulatory employees there to discuss what they do best! Mike Weyman spoke on “The Laboratories Role in a Criminal Investigation” and Shannon Alford spoke on “The Chemistry Behind Soil Testing at the Clemson University Agricultural Serve Laboratory”. Beth Hardin represented Pesticide Regulatory Laboratory. Amy Ashley also attended and represented the Fertilizer Laboratory.