The South Carolina SARE Program

Program Staff

Dr. John Andrae

SC SARE Program Co-Coordinator (1862)
Assistant Director, South Carolina Experiment Station
104 Barre Hall
Clemson, SC 29634
(864) 933-5987


Dr. Joshua Idassi

SC SARE Program Co-Coordinator (1890)
State Program Leader for Sustainable Ag. and Natural Resources
SCSU 1890 Research and Extension
300 College Street
Orangeburg, SC 29117
(803) 878-9038


Kelly Ann Flynn, M.S.

SARE Model State Program Assistant (South Carolina)
Emerging Crops Program Coordinator
Implementation Coordinator, Climate-Smart Grown in SC
Clemson University
161-A Poole Agricultural Building
(864) 609-5674 

Ideas to get involved:

  • Attend our annual Open Forum meeting or serve on the Program Advisory Committee.
  • Join our program email list for info on events, farm updates, and program news. Contact to sign up.
  • Volunteer time with a farm or organization supporting sustainable agriculture practices.
  • Make a financial contribution to support farm programs.


Minutes from Past Open Forums: