South Carolina Crops

6/18 Corn and Soybean Update

As of this week approximately 60% of our corn crop is silking. Tassel/R1 (Silk) is the most water sensitive growth stage of corn, if irrigation is available we need to ensure that we are irrigating corn 2 inches per week minus what is captured through rainfall. 

In terms of our non-irrigated acreage, yield will suffer where we have not received rainfall in quite some time. I have heard several reports of dryland corn in the coastal plain beginning to fire up from the base of the stalk, increased day time temperatures are not helping the already dry situation.

I have gotten some calls on spraying foliar fungicides, as of now, things remain quiet in terms of disease, so there is no urgency to go out and spray everything at this time, especially on our dryland acres where yields are likely suppressed due to the weather. 

If you are planning to fertigate a tassel shot of N we need to try and wrap that up by the time we get to brown silk (R1). At this time the corn has taken up approximately 75% of it’s total N, typically 30 to 40 lbs of N are going out at this time if yield potential is good.

About 75% of the soybean crop has now emerged, soybean growth stages are ranging from bloom to emerging depending on the field and where we are across the state. With the extended dry weather, I know there were several places that had to pause planting to wait on a rain to continue. Overall, the soybean situation has been mild, a few reports of false chinch bugs were an issue in early emerging soybean where hot and dry conditions were present. Another thing to consider with the dry weather is the activation of PRE herbicides, try to stay on top of weed control early and control escapes if possible. 

Last, the soybean final planting date was updated last year where full coverage extends now to June 30th rather than June 25, as it did in the past.

Crop Progress Report from SC USDA NASS. 
Corn Water Use Curve. Source: W.Porter – Univ. of Georgia
Corn Fertility Uptake Curve. Source: Smart-Fertilizer, 2021