South Carolina Crops

SAVE THE DATE – 12/17/2024 – SC Corn and Soybean Growers Meeting – Santee

The South Carolina Corn and Soybean Growers Meeting will be held on December 17th, 2024 at the Santee Conference Center. Come hear research updates from the Corn and Soybean Boards, policy updates from American Soybean Association and National Corn Growers Association and visit with our many sponsors in the trade show! Pesticide and CCA credits […]

2024 County Level Corn Hybrid Data – Now Available

The results from the 2024 County Corn Hybrid Trials are now available. In 2024, we evaluated 15 different hybrids across eight locations across the state in both irrigated (5 locations) and non-irrigated (3 locations) cropping systems, the results from eight of those locations are included in the attached report. The results of these trials are […]

7/3 Corn and Soybean Update

As we move into the 4th of July weekend, a quick update on where we stand. Scattered showers and storms provided some rainfall over the last week which has helped our dryland situation in cotton, soybean, and peanut. Most of the dryland corn crop tasseled (pollinated) and began reproductive growth during the pop up drought […]

6/24 Corn and Soybean Update

Surviving on tenths of rain is all we are doing right now across SC and the SE USA. High pressure in the North continues to drive moisture to the Gulf and away from the SE at a very water critical time for corn especially. Where irrigation is available, growers need to continue to run pivots […]

6/18 Corn and Soybean Update

As of this week approximately 60% of our corn crop is silking. Tassel/R1 (Silk) is the most water sensitive growth stage of corn, if irrigation is available we need to ensure that we are irrigating corn 2 inches per week minus what is captured through rainfall.  In terms of our non-irrigated acreage, yield will suffer […]

Corn and Soybean Disease Status in South Carolina

I am sure by now everyone has heard that they have found Southern rust on corn and Soybean rust on kudzu in southwest Georgia. There has been a strong weather pattern of winds and rain blowing from the southwest towards us so it is possible diseases of all types could come in on a storm.  […]

How to Growth Stage Corn and Soybean

Knowing the correct growth stage on corn and soybean is critical to proper input management. Two Land Grant Press articles were written to serve as a visual guide on how to properly ID both corn and soybean growth stages throughout their lifecycle. The following links will direct you to these Land Grant Publications: Visual Guide […]

**Save The Date – 2024 Corn & Soybean Field Day – Edisto REC – July 25th**

The 2024 Corn and Soybean Field Day will be held at Edisto REC in Blackville, SC on Thursday July 25th. The program will start at approximately 8:30 and conclude with a provided lunch on-site. Field Day Flyer A detailed agenda will be available around the first of July.  If you have any questions please contact […]

2024 Corn Update – 6/5

Corn across SC is at various growth stages and experiencing a wide range of environmental conditions. Much of the state had abundant rainfall most of March, prohibiting field work and fertilizer applications to be made, delaying planting. In other areas, corn was able to get planted early and emerged looking great. As we shifted into […]

2023 County Corn Hybrid Trial Data – Now Available

The results from the 2023 County Corn Hybrid Trials are now available. In 2023, we evaluated 12 different hybrids across eight locations across the state in both irrigated (4 locations) and non-irrigated (4 locations) cropping systems, the results from eight of those locations are included in the attached report. The results of these trials are […]

SC Corn and Soybean Growers Meeting – 12/14

On behalf of Clemson Extension and the South Carolina Soybean Board, we hope you make plans to join us in Santee onThursday, December 14th for the 2023 South Carolina Corn and Soybean Growers Meeting! Our keynote presentation will be “Corn and Soybean Drying and Storage: Current Technology and Management” with Dr. Kenneth Hellevang, Extension Engineer and Professor at North Dakota State University. We’re also excited to welcome several other special guests, including: Steve Censky, […]

Double Crop – Corn and Soybean Podcast

Ph.D. Student Bennett Harrelson does a podcast with NC State University on double crop corn and soybean systems in South Carolina. His research is focusing on best management practices for producers who wish to plant soybean behind corn. Topics include planting dates, maturity groups, hybrid selection, nematode management, row spacing, at-plant nitrogen, and seeding rates. […]

Corn Update 6/6 – Nitrogen, Irrigation, and Fungicides

Across the state, the earliest planted corn I have looked at is looking very good as we begin to see tassels emerge and pollen shed. In many cases, a lot of our earliest planted corn this year has been under irrigation which sets us up to produce a very good crop. However, we are not […]

Corn Update – 5/11

As of May 8th, USDA has South Carolina as 96% planted on corn and is on a normal track for progress.  Corn planting this year has been quite a process, with a majority of the crop going in the ground pre-April 1st and then was on pause for some time following Easter due to cold […]

Corn Update – 4/3

Soil moisture remains good across the state. Recent rainfall events have made planting and field operations a challenge in certain areas. Corn planted infront of terrential rainfall events (>3 inches) in areas of the state may warrant replanting due to soil crusting and saturated soil conditions.  Corn growth and development is driven by heat unit […]

Corn Planting Update – 3/27

The warm weather and relatively dry field conditions over the last week have allowed for a significant portion of the corn crop to be planted across the state; the USDA should release the first crop progress report next week. With the rainfall we have received across the region this weekend through tomorrow (3/28), soil moisture […]

Corn Planting Considerations – 3/14

As temperatures begin to warm and soils dry out, many planters will soon be in the field planting field corn around the state. As we look toward the 10-day forcast low temperatures remain the 30’s through the weekend of March 20th and chances of rain increase. A few things to remember as we proceed with planting […]

2022 County Corn Hybrid Trial Results – Now Available

The results from the 2022 County Corn Hybrid Trials are now available. In 2022, we evaluated 13 different hybrids across eight locations across the state in both irrigated (4 locations) and non-irrigated (4 locations) cropping systems, the results from eight of those locations are included in the attached report. The results of these trials are […]

SC Corn/Cotton/Soybean Update – 6/13

CORN: Foliar diseases: The only disease that spreads during this type of weather is Southern rust. But we are not seeing this yet in South Carolina. It is present in South Georgia. I am attaching a copy of the “Fungicide Efficacy for Control of Corn Diseases – January 2022” table put out by the “Corn […]

SC Corn/Cotton/Soybean Disease Update – 6/7

I am sure that many of you get various forms of information from other states. Dr. Kemerait in Georgia is very good about sending out updates several times a week, and I am sure there are other specialists who do the same. I thought I would try to send out what we are seeing primarily […]

Corn 2022 – Early Season and Tissue Sampling

This spring has been challenging, from increased input costs to low supply and shortages. The weather has been equally challenging across South Carolina so far in 2022. The majority of the corn crop was planted a week to 14 days later than last year due to cool temperatures, soils, and early season rains. We are […]

2021 Corn Hybrid County Trial Data – Now Available

The results from the 2021 County Corn Hybrid Trials are now available. In 2021, we evaluated 12 different hybrids across eight locations across the state in both irrigated and non-irrigated cropping systems, the results from six of those locations are included in the attached report. The results of these trials are to be used along […]

2021 EREC Field Day – Report

In response to the canceled 2021 Fall Field Day at Edisto REC, Clemson University Extension Specialists and Researchers compiled a report highlighting research that is ongoing at Edisto REC. A list of contents to the report is displayed below and a copy of the 2021 EREC Field Day Report is available at the following link: […]

2021 State Corn and Soybean Meeting – 12/8 – In-Person

The South Carolina Corn and Soybean Growers Meeting will resume in 2021. This year’s meeting will consist of an in-person event at the Santee Conference Center in Santee, SC on Wednesday, December 8th, 2021. An updated announcement and agenda will be released in the coming weeks as speakers and schedules are confirmed. If you have […]

Post-Harvest Weed Control Options in Corn

Corn harvest in South Carolina typically begins in August. The weeds remaining after harvest can contribute to future infestations. This is because we have several months of good growing conditions for weeds after harvest. For example, Palmer amaranth, sicklepod, and annual morningglory can continue to grow and produce seed. Palmer amaranth is capable of producing […]

Corn and Soybean Turnrow Drop-In – Holly Hill, SC 8/20

On August 20th from 10:00am-Noon a drop-in will be held at the dryland corn hybrid strip trial located in the field at the intersection of Mt. Olive Rd and Hwy 176.  This directly across Hwy 176 in front of Mt Olive Ame Church (4630 Old State Rd, Holly Hill, SC 29059).  Dr. Michael Plumblee, Extension […]

Peanut, Horticulture, and Agronomic Crops Field Day – Sept. 2nd – Blackville, SC

Clemson University has scheduled an in-person field day at the Edisto Research and Education Center in Blackville, SC for September 2nd, 2021. Registration will be from 8-9AM. The morning program will consist of concurrent peanut and horticultural crop programs followed by lunch. After lunch an agronomic crops (cotton, corn, soybean) session will begin and conclude at 4PM. Please […]

Planter Evaluation – Now is the time

Over the last few years, interest in “yield improving” row crop planter modifications, add-ons, and technologies have been topics of discussion for growers. While there is benefit from various technologies in specific row crops, the jury is still out on every technology and new product contributing to yield (and profit) in every crop grown in […]

Grain Combine Yield Monitor Calibration

As we continue to progress through the growing season, many growers are beginning to service and set up equipment for corn harvest. This is an excellent time to check yield monitor components if you wish to collect and record yield data. The July 19th crop progress report for South Carolina estimates that 26% of the […]

Corn, Cotton, and Soybean Disease Update

In the last two weeks, most of us have received large amounts of rainfall. Daily rainfall of over 2 inches was observed in many areas and several places got 5+ inches of rain in those two weeks. In general, the rainfall was good for crops. However, it also increased our odds of getting foliar diseases […]

Fungicides, Pre-Harvest Weed Control, Stinkbugs, and Irrigation

Corn Everyone had to watch as Elsa passed over South Carolina over the last few days. Fortunately, for the most part if you were off the coast rainfall and winds stayed in the manageable levels.  However, it very well may have blown spores into our state for several diseases including Southern rust on corn, soybean […]

Corn and Soybean Update – Fungicides, Irrigation, and Tassel Nitrogen

CORN Fungicides As we close in on the 4th of July, we need to consider our possible fungicide applications on corn and soybean. Weather is one of the big drivers for foliar diseases in both of these crops.  The worst-case scenario is not a mid-afternoon thunderstorm which delivers 1+ inches of rain but then the […]

Update – Foliar Diseases in South Carolina Corn

The majority of our corn crop is at VT or R1 and this is the appropriate time to start making the decision whether or not to spray a fungicide. Observations from South Carolina corn fields: At the Edisto REC Dr. Plumblee and I have walked several fields and the corn is very clean when it […]

Fungicides and Southern Rust in Corn

With extensive rains occurring across much of South Carolina in the last week our corn crop is getting back on track and more than half of it is in the process of tasseling.  This is the growth stage where most growers will be deciding whether to spray a fungicide for foliar diseases.  Here are a […]

2021 Corn and Soybean Production Virtual Meeting – Posted

Virtual Meetings were held in February 2021 to provide an update on corn and soybean production in South Carolina. By participating in this program, producers were updated on new information for the 2021 growing season. At the conclusion of the panel update, time was available for any questions related to corn or soybean production. The […]

Assessing and Response to Freeze/Frost Injured Corn

As many of you know, temperatures across the state did drop below freezing last Thursday and Friday nights. I have heard some reports of temperatures dropping to 28 F or below in specific areas that had corn planted. Since we have had 5-7 days since the freezing weather, we should now be able to assess corn stands and mortality […]

Corn Response to Cold/Freezing Temperatures

As a follow-up to my previous post on Sunday (3/28) I wanted to discuss what we can expect from the cold temperatures tonight and tomorrow regarding recently planted and young corn. The National Weather Service is now projecting the low for Blackville, SC to be 34 F, 32 F & 36 F over the next […]

Considerations for Planting Corn into Cool/Freezing Conditions – 3/28

I hope everyone’s 2021 planting season or fieldwork season has started off smooth. I wanted to reach out with a few things to consider this week with regards to planting corn. If you have noticed the 7-day forecast for this week (3/28 – 4/4), our Easter cold snap is right on time. Nighttime temperatures will […]