Foliar diseases: The only disease that spreads during this type of weather is Southern rust. But we are not seeing this yet in South Carolina. It is present in South Georgia.
I am attaching a copy of the “Fungicide Efficacy for Control of Corn Diseases – January 2022” table put out by the “Corn Disease Working Group”. This table is updated every year and includes information from many states including South Carolina. Note that a “U” should not eliminate a fungicide from the list of possibilities, it just means there was not enough data to give it an accurate rating. If Southern rust is our biggest concern, you can see that there are quite a few fungicides that rate “G” or “VG”. So, if we do spray, and spray early, we should be able to minimize its effects. You can also see that there are quite a few fungicides rated “VG” to “E” for Common Rust and Northern Corn Leaf Blight.
Next week I will send out a similar table for fungicides on soybean.
Still too early to worry about spraying any soybeans for foliar fungal diseases. Unless you have irrigated soybeans the odds of finding foliar diseases in soybean during this drought prior to flowering are very low.
Soybean rust: No rust was reported on soybean or kudzu in South Carolina. It has been reported on kudzu but not soybean in Georgia.
Like corn and soybean just trying to make it through the next 2 weeks of heat and drought.
If you see any diseases or nematodes of interest on cotton, corn, or soybean let us know so we can share your information with everyone or feel free to mail it out on this list. Likewise share some nice pictures of diseases if you have a chance.