South Carolina Crops

Corn and Soybean Disease Status in South Carolina

I am sure by now everyone has heard that they have found Southern rust on corn and Soybean rust on kudzu in southwest Georgia. There has been a strong weather pattern of winds and rain blowing from the southwest towards us so it is possible diseases of all types could come in on a storm.  […]

SC Corn/Cotton/Soybean Update – 6/13

CORN: Foliar diseases: The only disease that spreads during this type of weather is Southern rust. But we are not seeing this yet in South Carolina. It is present in South Georgia. I am attaching a copy of the “Fungicide Efficacy for Control of Corn Diseases – January 2022” table put out by the “Corn […]

SC Corn/Cotton/Soybean Disease Update – 6/7

I am sure that many of you get various forms of information from other states. Dr. Kemerait in Georgia is very good about sending out updates several times a week, and I am sure there are other specialists who do the same. I thought I would try to send out what we are seeing primarily […]

Scouting for Diseases, VBC

Lesions on the Leaf Late leaf spot is starting to be found in more fields this week, including those with timely and expensive fungicide programs. Switching modes of action and/or including Bravo or sulfur in with the next fungicide application, or tank mixing a systemic product with bravo (e.g., if the previous spray was bravo) […]

Corn, Cotton, and Soybean Disease Update

In the last two weeks, most of us have received large amounts of rainfall. Daily rainfall of over 2 inches was observed in many areas and several places got 5+ inches of rain in those two weeks. In general, the rainfall was good for crops. However, it also increased our odds of getting foliar diseases […]

Fungicides and Southern Rust in Corn

With extensive rains occurring across much of South Carolina in the last week our corn crop is getting back on track and more than half of it is in the process of tasseling.  This is the growth stage where most growers will be deciding whether to spray a fungicide for foliar diseases.  Here are a […]