The News in New Media

Bad Hombres: What Donald Trump thinks of immigrants and your at-home dye job

The final debate of this presidential election cycle did not disappoint. Both major party candidates performed as expected: Sec. Clinton was composed and coherent while Mr. Trump was “entertaining,” to say the least. Known for his one-liners, the Donald added to his already extensive repertoire of quotable quips.

Immigration is one of the hottest button issues in this election. Donald Trump has famously proposed a wall and mass deportation and in Wednesday’s debate, that vigor has been reinforced.

During his speech on immigration, he stated the wall at the Mexican border will be built, drug lords will be removed, and free neckties for all land owning white males. The last goal is a joke with probably more likelihood of happening than the actual points made during the debate. However, Mr. Trump’s attempt at Spanish was laughable at best. “Bad hombres” spread like wildfire.

Facebook, Twitter, blogs, and mainstream news lit up with posts; 215,810 to be exact. Reactions to the moment ranged from confused to amused and everything in between. Even Weird Al Yankovik, iconic parody songwriter,  got in on the bad hombre madness.

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The joke didn’t stop there. Users began to compare the gaff in pronunciation to the color effect and dying (pun unintended) hair trend, ombre.

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The overwhelming majority of the sentiment around this topic is negative. A whopping 97% of posts about the matter are negative. Even the nearly 3% coded as positive are merely an example of misunderstood sarcasm.

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Despite the inherently funny nature of the issue and nearly irresistible humor opportunities, some users took “Bad Hombres” and Nasty Women as a chance to encourage one another and get out the vote. I guess not all the hombres out there aren’t so bad after all.

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Nasty Women were also a hot button take away from Wednesday’s debate. Read more about it here.