The News in New Media

Tweeting in Matthew’s eye

Hurricane MatthewYou’re probably aware that Governor Haley issued an evacuation for the lower parts of the state of South Carolina in the face of the oncoming Hurricane Matthew.

What you may not be aware of is how people are reacting to the evacuation on social media.

Most people are posting the “expected” reactions to the oncoming storm — “stay safe,” “prayers needed,” “everyone be careful out there,” and other “normal” reactions to a category 4 natural disaster.

Two, however, may come to you as a surprise.

First: annoyance at having to evacuate.

These posts seemed to either take umbrage at Hurricane Matthew for daring to disrupt their daily life or express contempt at the need for evacuation. These folks seem to be feeling bullet proof (although rainproof might come in more handy).

I’ll edit some of these responses for the more sensitive types…these posters tended to use colorful language. Here are a few of the more family-friendly ones:

One asked (with four-letter emphasis) why everyone was “freaking out.”

Ok, so I didn’t censor them ALL:

These you needed to see as-is, especially for the quotation marks around “evacuation zone.”

Second thing you may not have heard of before: “hurricane parties.”

According to Wikipedia, a “hurricane party” is a gathering, common in the southeast, where folks hunker down together, often for days at a time.

The Urban Dictionary, however, had a different definition (something to do with alcohol, it seems).

These particular Tweets seem to support the traditional “turn-up” sort of idea about hurricane parties (as opposed to the backyard grill version Wikipedia seems to favor).

As the definition varies, so do peoples’ opinions of it on Twitter.

In the words of Twitter user @HoldemanCody, “Hurricane party…[F***] the evacuation” (Tweet from October 5, 4:05 pm, edited).

As far as I can tell, hurricane parties are a fairly recent phenomenon, but don’t quote me on that one.

If you haven’t seen this sort of reaction to a hurricane before, now you have. As social media tends to be filled with millennials (ah, the joys of youth) it might be safe to suggest that these un-conventional views on what to do during a weather emergency are limited to a certain age bracket. Now that we have social media, everyone has a platform to let their opinions be known, especially in the face of an impending disaster. As the storm moves in, it will be interesting to see if and how these same posters continue to post.