The South Carolina Review

The South Carolina Review Volume 50.2, Spring 2018

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1 Wayne Chapman Dedication


5 Richard Garcia Katherine
12 David Mohan Hat
13  Jody Winer Bed
38 Jonathan Greenhause A New Attitude; Do not go gently
56 Carrie Shipers Preparing to Leave the Hospital: A Beginner’s Guide
58 Michael Waters Madam Marie
59 Doug Ramspeck Aubade, with Entropy
78 Lisa Hase-Jackson It Happened at Southbrook
79 JC Reilly Time Machine
96 D. Gilson The Hardy Boys & The Church of Bones
97 Derek Mong Lightning 4; Lightning 6
112 Gilbert Allen Belief
113 Scott Withiam Grace


6 Carolyn Oliver How Vivian Vaughan Lost the Night Sky
14 John McNally The Fear of Everything
23 Bernard Grant The Gap Between Us
41 Daniel Paul Love (in Airplane Mode)
60 Becky Adnot-Haynes If You Let the Body Lead
81 Lance Olsen grammar : the clatter of time
84 Jacqueline Guidry Golden Then Gone
99 David Jacobs Project Bliss
114 Eric Rasmussen Borrowed Cars


123 J.D. Ho When Pittsburgh Comes Tumbling Down
131 Gordon Van Ness “A certain starstruck quality”: The Curious Relationship of John Updike and James Dickey


144 Jane Hill The Reconstructed Lives of Jennifer Egan’s Manhattan Beach
149 Lee Morrissey Two Perspectives on the
Enlightenment in Ireland: Material and Intellectual
155 Skip Eisiminger Equipped for When the Lightning Strikes