School of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences

Operations Manager Hired

November 1, 2022 The School of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences hired its first Operations Manager on November 1, 2022.  Megan Kystofik received her B.S. in Marketing and Human Resource Management from the University of South Carolina and is currently working on her MBA, also from the University of South Carolina at Columbia. […]

November Staff Appreciation Lunch

November 17, 2022 The Staff from the Glenn Department of Civil Engineering and the Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences Department met for a monthly luncheon at Lowry Hall on November 17, 2022.  The monthly lunches are a great way to get to know the Staff members from each of the departments which comprise the school.  […]

Distinguished Lecture Series

NC State’s Dr. Mort Barlaz October 28, 2022 The School of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences hosted its second Distinguished Lecture with Dr. Morton Barlaz, a Distinguished University Professor from North Carolina State University.  His seminar topic is “Understanding and Predicting Temperatures in Municipal Solid Waste Landfills.”  The seminar was held at the […]