Clemson Division of Research

Organic peaches

Peach researchers get $1 million grant to better understand method for growing organic peaches in the Southeast. Read more.

October 2016

October 2016 Evolving cultures It’s easy to get caught up in what we do day-to-day (or day-to-night-to-day) that we sometimes forget to step back and look at how, or why, we do what we do. This month, I’m pleased to tell you a little bit about three initiatives that do just that. They are aimed […]

Lizards inform climate

Current models used to predict the survival of species in a warming world might be off target, according to new research by Mike Sears in Biological Sciences that enlisted the help of dozens of spiny lizards in the New Mexico desert. Read more.

September 2016

September 2016 It’s been nearly eight months since I assumed the role of vice president for the division of research. I knew coming in that my job would be a very large task. But I underestimated how exciting this job can be when we share in achievements. I couldn’t have been prouder of Kerry Smith […]

Hip turtles

Turtles have a reputation. “They’re slow, they’re clumsy and the shell just gets in the way of everything.” Read more.

Pak leads Human Factors Institute

Richard Pak, associate professor in Clemson’s psychology department, has been named director of the Clemson University Human Factors Institute. Read more.