Emeritus College

Sam Wang, Alumni Distinguished Professor Emeritus Honored

Centripetal Discovery–Lee Gallery October 10 to November 9 2022   Sam Wang, Alumni Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Visual Arts work is being showcased at the Lee Gallery October 10-November 9.  The Gallery is opened M-Th, 9am to 4:30pm. The Film Screening of “Sam Wang Centripetal Persistence” (2021 Best Multi-Cultural Film Award Winner) Directed by John […]

EC Speakers’ Bureau: Special Interests

  Special Interests  Includes areas that do not fit into the other categories such as travel, curriculum development, hobbies and a host of other topics.   William Baird, Alumni Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Horticulture: bairdw@msu.edu  517-898-9903 Topic: Safari experiences in Nairobi National Park and the Maasai Mara (or a combination of both); Strolling through Kiev and Yalta, Ukraine Presentation Platform: […]

EC Speakers’ Bureau: Science and Technology

Science and Technology  Includes engineering, health and wellness, computer related topics, agricultural, and many more science and technology related topics. Clementina Adams, Professor Emerita of Languages    adamsc@clemson.edu Topic: Use and Benefits of herbal and plant remedies Presentation Platform: Virtual or In-Person > Kyle Anderson, Senior Lecturer, retired, School of Accountancy     hander2@clemson.edu  864-933-3815 Topic: Canvas Course […]

EC Speakers’ Bureau: Business

  Business In this area you will find all topics related to business and organizations.   Kyle Anderson, Senior Lecturer, retired, School of Accountancy     hander2@clemson.edu  864-933-3815 Topic: Accounting Presentation Platform: Virtual or In-Person > David Bodde, Professor Emeritus of Automotive Engineering    bodde@clemson.edu     816-674-3498 Topic: Missional entrepreneurs: how values-based enterprises restore economic freedom one soul at a […]

EC Speakers’ Bureau: Arts and Humanities

Arts and Humanities This topic area represents everything from performing arts to literature to history and political science. Clementina Adams, Professor Emerita of Languages: adamsc@clemson.eduTopic: Literature: literary works and authors. Cultural issues, such as antique cultures, Mayans, Aztecs, Incas, Chibchas, etc. Origin and development of music in a variety of countries. Origin and use of herbal […]

2022 Memorials

Dr. William Brown, Jr. (1932-2022), Professor Emeritus of Animal and Veterinary Sciences, he received his degree from The University of Arkansas.  He served in the U.S. Army 1953-1956. In 1957 he went on to receive his Master of Animal Breeding from Oklahoma State University. 1958 – 1970 was County Agent in Animal Husbandry for University of […]

Professor Emeritus Named Distinguished Fellow

Dr. Art Young Receives Distinguished Fellow Award Dr. Young was recognized virtually at the International Writing Across the Curriculum Conference as a distinguished fellow.  This award, which is made by the WAC Clearinghouse and the Association for Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC), recognizes scholars who have made significant contributions through scholarship, service, and/or innovative program […]

Professor Emerita Receives National Fellow Award

Dr. Elaine Richardson Awarded CLADEA Fellow Dr. Elaine Richardson, Professor Emerita of Animal and Veterinary Sciences and Director, Academic Success Center, was honored virtually at the National College Learning Center Association’s (NCLCA) annual conference as a Council of Learning Assistance and Developmental Education Associations (CLADEA) Fellow. The vision of the CLADEA is to “provide leadership […]

Shelburne Receives Emeritus Award for Community Service

EMERITUS COLLEGE CELEBRATES ANOTHER SUCCESSFUL YEAR!!  The Emeritus College celebrated its annual meeting and fall picnic this year through a virtual event on October 5, 2021. Dr. Debra Jackson welcomed attendees to the ceremony and annual meeting. She recognized the College’s achievements over the past year including over 112 programs with a total participation of […]

2020-2021 Emeritus College Donor Honor Roll

The Emeritus College would like to thank the following individuals for their generous donations to the Emeritus College for 2020-2021. These donations provided for undergraduate scholarships, fully funding the Kennelly-Voss Endowed Emeritus Fund, the creation of the Debbie and Vince Jackson Emeritus College Endowment for Music and many more Emeritus College programming initiatives! John Acorn […]