Jack Horvath and Max Gordon, MS candidates in Hydrogeology, have been awarded the National Association of Geoscience Teachers Outstanding TA Award. This award honors undergraduate and graduate students who have demonstrated excellence as Teaching Assistants. Dr. Alan Coulson nominated Jack and Max based on their performance as TAs in undergraduate Geology courses. Both Jack and Max taught Geol 1030 and assisted with Geol 1010. Jack also taught some Physical Science labs. Jack’s and Max’s work as a Graduate Teaching Assistants has been outstanding, on top of their studies and research. Here is what NAGTea says about the awardees: “The National Association of Geoscience Teachers is committed to improving geoscience teaching and student learning. Effective teaching assistants are an important part of that equation. Thank you for your excellent work.” In addition to the award, Jack and Max will receive an invitation to a virtual social event, an “NAGTea,” held to celebrate their Outstanding TA Awardees and be given an opportunity to share their teaching insights at the next Earth Educators’ Rendezvous.
Congratulations to Jack and Max!
Jack Horvath Max Gordon