Industrial Engineering

Researchers find new ways to help computer users protect their passwords

Computers can be fortified with firewalls and the latest anti-virus software, but even the best security programs might be for nothing if hackers can get their hands on your password. Sometimes all it takes is for a hacker to peek over your shoulder while you’re logging into an account. Some computer users make hackers’ jobs […]

IE Lecture Series: Fall 2014

The Department of Industrial Engineering is pleased to welcome Dr. Kelly Sullivan from the University of Arkansas’ Industrial Engineering Department.  Dr. Sullivan will be the special guest lecturer on Monday, October 20, 2014 from 11:15am until 12:05pm at the P&A Auditorium on Clemson’s main campus. The topic of is lecture is: Integer-Linear Models for Optimization in Reliability. […]


The weather and turnout could not have been better as IE hosted the 2nd Annual IE Tailgate on Friday, September 5th to celebrate and kickoff the fall semester and the home football season. With the atmosphere and anticipation already electric on campus, First Friday was the perfect occasion for the department to treat the students to good […]

IE welcomes five new faculty

The Department of Industrial Engineering is proud to announce the appointment of five new faculty members for the 2014-2015 academic year. These faculty members will complement IE’s already talented faculty team and bring additional expertise and teaching capacity to service the growing demands. The new faculty appointments are as follows: Dr. Burak Eksioglu – Eksioglu, an […]

Freeman Hall building update

Freeman Hall is hardly recognizable to anyone familiar with the corner of Fernow Street and South Palmetto Boulevard on the Clemson campus. Several first-year students have even mistaken the fenced-in area containing the front of Freeman Hall as a condemned building rather than one that is still occupied. In fact, students and visitors are amazed when they hear that […]

2014 Industrial Engineering Awards

On April 24, 2014 the Clemson University Department of Industrial Engineering hosted their annual awards ceremony at the Madren Center to honor outstanding performance and achievements of the students and faculty in the department. Award sponsors on hand for the ceremonies included Janine Bowen, Jim Chisman, Delbert Kimbler, and Karen Lindenmeyer. The Outstanding Teaching Assistant of the […]

And the winner is …..

IE 4670 – Systems Design II – The process is simple … two groups of students, one problem. An Orange Team squares off against a Purple Team and both teams pitch their solution to the real-world scenario posed by a sponsoring industry client.  The outcome is that one team’s presentation is selected as the best […]

Researchers develop app to improve coordination in perioperative services

A multidisciplinary team of researchers from Clemson University and the University of South Carolina is working to leverage technology to eliminate the critical coordination barriers between operating rooms, pre-op, and post-op areas.  The NSF-funded project focuses on enhancing the coordination and communication among hospital staff in these areas and specifically targets the use of technology […]