Industrial Engineering at Clemson University is very pleased to announce that a multidisciplinary team of researchers and specialists have received a four-year, $4 million research grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. This grant will establish a learning lab focusing on the design of safer, more efficient hospital operating rooms based on a human-centered design approach. The research team includes faculty and researchers at Clemson University, the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) and Heath Sciences South Carolina (HSSC).
The Clemson University team is led by architecture professor Dr. Anjali Joseph, and includes several Industrial Engineering faculty. Dr. David Neyens, Dr. Sara Lu Riggs, and Dr. Kevin Taaffe are leading specific projects that will be used to improve the design of operating rooms of the future. This unique research initiative combines the expertise of Clemson University faculty with physicians and healthcare specialists to improve the efficiency and safety of next-generation operating rooms. Read Related Story >>