Being the daughter of a math and science teacher and a computer engineer, Ebony Johnson was taught from an early age to appreciate the importance of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). This, combined with the fact that both of her parents are Clemson University graduates, makes it no coincidence that Johnson found her way to Clemson’s Department of Industrial Engineering (IE).
Johnson’s STEM talents were no secret to those around her. Growing up in Trenton, SC, northeast of Augusta, GA, Johnson’s favorite subjects at Strom Thurmond High School were math and science. Realizing Johnson’s talent and aptitude, her high school guidance counselor encouraged her to explore STEM related fields and careers. She test drove several engineering courses in high school and engaged in extracurricular trips to academic events at nearby schools, which led her to seek universities having strong reputations in math and science. As a freshman in high school, Johnson had the opportunity to participate in Clemson’s Summer Scholars program. While staying on campus for the Summer Scholars program, she quickly became immersed in the atmosphere, and learned why Clemson was so special to her parents. This invaluable experience determined that Clemson was where she wanted to attend college. Shortly after, Johnson attended a Women in Science and Engineering conference at Georgia Tech, where she was introduced to industrial engineering and the wide range of possibilities the field offered. These combined experiences were the key factors that led Johnson to an academic career in industrial engineering here at Clemson.
Now a junior, Johnson finds herself busy balancing time among her service and academic roles. Johnson currently serves as the Vice President of the Clemson chapter of the Institute of Industrial Engineers (IIE) and the Vice President of the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE). One of the most memorable highlights of her college career came in serving as a student host in the President’s Suite at the Clemson/Notre Dame football game. Johnson has made time to enhance her industrial engineering training by engaging in a cooperative education (co-op) role in manufacturing. She has completed two co-op rotations for AFL, a manufacturer of fiber optic cable in Duncan, SC, and plans to complete one more before graduating.
With an outstanding undergraduate career well underway, Johnson continues to look to the future. After completing her B.S. degree, Johnson currently plans to pursue a graduate degree in industrial engineering. Ultimately sees herself staying in academia and becoming established as a professor and/or researcher.