Industrial Engineering

Kurz and Riggs win college-wide honors

The Industrial Engineering department is very happy to announce that Drs. Mary Beth Kurz and Robert Riggs have been selected to receive prestigious College-level honors for the 2015-2016 academic year!

Mary Beth Kurz

Dr. Mary Beth Kurz has won the Esin Gulari Leadership and Service Award.  This award recognizes faculty who selflessly contribute their time and effort to the leadership and service mission of the university, profession, and society.  As a few examples of Dr. Kurz’s extensive leadership, she currently serves as the Faculty Senate President at Clemson, and has led several faculty and administrative searches and subcommittees over the last decade.  Within the Industrial Engineering department, Dr. Kurz contributed greatly as the undergraduate curriculum chair, and as a representative to the College of Engineering and Science curriculum committee.  Externally, she is President of the Operations Research Division within the Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers.  She also finds time to volunteer with the Girl Scouts of America and the Clemson Aquatic Team.  For these and many other significant leadership roles, we are proud to see Dr. Kurz recognized for her outstanding service.

Robert Riggs

Dr. Robert Riggs was selected as the winner of the Byars Prize for Excellence in Teaching.  This prize is dedicated to the most outstanding instructor of engineering fundamentals within the College of Engineering and Science.  Fundamentals classes include any required engineering classes taught at the freshman, sophomore or junior level.  Despite the fact that Dr. Riggs is only in his second year at Clemson, he has already taught four different classes at Clemson, with all of them being challenging courses having large enrollments.  Not only are his teaching evaluations of stellar quality, Dr. Riggs was instrumental in reinventing how many of these classes are taught, as the Industrial Engineering program continues its rapid student growth.  His ability to teach important courses at a rigorous level, while still remaining accessible and inviting to students, is truly valued.  We are thrilled to see him recognized for his efforts.