Industrial Engineering

Everroad honored as one of top staff members in Clemson University’s CECAS

In December, College of Engineering, Computing and Applied Sciences staff members gathered for their annual holiday lunch and awards ceremony at the Madren Center.

During the event, Dean Anand Gramopadhye recognized outstanding classified employees who contribute to the success of the college. Industrial Engineering’s Graduate Student Services Coordinator, Mrs. Monique Everroad, was honored as one of the top staff members in Clemson University’s College of Engineering, Computing, and Applied Sciences.  She received a Dean’s Exceptional Staff Award for her outstanding performance, achievements, and accomplishments.

Monique joined Clemson IE in 2018 and has become a critical and valued member of the department.  She works with current graduate students to ensure their academic success while also recruiting top talent to join the graduate program.  During her time in IE, she has increased student engagement and implemented improved workflows.

Her colleagues across the University nominated Monique for her performance and dedication to student experience and success.  An excerpt from one of several of Monique’s nominations sums it up best… “Mo has a passion for students that we are so fortunate to have in our department. That passion is the driving force for Mo to be the best possible support system for students at Clemson.  She isn’t here to check off job duties in a position description but is here to advocate for our students against all odds, give them the best possible experience, and provide a sense of community and belonging to our student body.  These goals are not listed in her job description but truly exemplify what a CECAS staff member going above and beyond looks like.”

Congratulations Monique!