Livestock and Forages

Implementation basics for incorporation of forages and livestock into silvopasture ecosystems

Figure 1: Silvopasture System. Credits: Janet Steele

Submitted by: Liliane Silva, CUCES Forage Specialist and Janet Steele, CUCES Forestry and Wildlife Resources Agent Site selection is crucial. Suitable sites for establishing silvopasture systems should be determined on criteria considering topography, soil type, drainage, and level of management needed and skills. Moreover, the availability of sunlight, water, fencing, nutrient levels, soil pH, and other […]

Silvopasture systems: an overview of components and establishment of woodland systems

Figure 1: Silvopasture system.

Submitted by: Janet Steele, CUCES Liliane Silva, CU Assistant Professor and CUCES Forages Specialist Silvopasture is a system that integrates forage, livestock, and trees (Figure 1). It is an old practice that is increasing due to the potential agronomic, environmental, economic, and social benefits that silvopasture systems can offer. These benefits include but are not limited […]

Soil Fertility in Forage Systems

Figure 1: Nutrient availability for plants as affected by soil

Submitted by: Leo Vieira-Filho, Postdoctoral FellowLiliane Silva, CU Assistant Professor and CUCES Forages Specialist Soil Fertility Assessment = Soil Test!Soil fertility is “the quality of a soil that enables it to provide nutrients in adequate amounts and in proper balance for the growth of specified plants when other growth factors, such as light, moisture, temperature, […]