Mathematical Sciences

Recent Conferences

Clemson is proud to have hosted several exciting conferences in the last year:

The 32nd Clemson Mini-Conference on Discrete Mathematics and Algorithms was held on the Clemson campus, November 4, 2017. The Mini-Conference has had a sustained run of over 30 meetings held every year since 1986. It is organized by Mathematical Sciences faculty members Michael Burr, Neil Calkin, Wayne Goddard, and Svetlana Poznanovik, with assistance from Clemson’s School of Computing. Its purpose is to bring together researchers whose interests generally lie in or near the intersection of these two disciplines. So far, over 200 internationally known researchers have given talks at this meeting.

The 2017 Mini had 31 registered participants and was funded by the National Security Agency (NSA). Forty-minute talks were given by the following invited speakers:

  • Fidel Barrera-Cruz, Georgia Institute of Technology
  • Linda Lesniak, Western Michigan University
  • Georgios Petridis, University of Georgia
  • Moumanti Podder, Georgia Institute of Technology
  • Duane Skaggs, Morehead State University
  • Jennifer Vandenbussche, Kennesaw State University

A twenty-minute talk was given by Amy Grady, Clemson University.

Information about the 2018 Mini can be found here.


Clemson University also hosted the 29th meeting of the Palmetto Number Theory Series, December 2-3, 2017. In addition to numerous contributed talks, the meeting had plenary addresses from

  • Jennifer Balakrishnan (Boston University)
  • Henri Darmon (McGill University)
  • Cristian Popescu (University of California San Diego)
  • Isabel Leal (University of Chicago, graduate student plenary address)

The meeting had 54 registered participants and was funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the Mathematical Sciences Department. Jim Brown was the local organizer for the meeting.


The 97th annual meeting of the Southeastern Section of the Mathematical Association of America (MAA) was held on the Clemson campus March 23-24, 2018. Activities for undergraduate students included a Mathematics Treasure Hunt, a Math Jeopardy Contest, and a Graduate School Fair. There was also a Graduate Student Career Development Workshop during the conference, as well as the following special sessions:

  • Special Session on Problems in Differential Equations and Nonlinear Analysis
  • Special Session on Mathematical Experiences and Projects in Business, Industry, and Government (BIG),
  • Special Session on Mathematics Identities and Inequalities
  • Special Session on Engaging Activities in Coding Theory, Cryptography, and Number Theory
  • Special Session on Enhancing Personalized Learning in Mathematics through Non-Disposable Assignments
  • Special Session on Active Learning in Undergraduate Mathematics
  • Special Session on Research Projects in Discrete Mathematics

The Math Jeopardy Contest was won by Clemson’s team, consisting of Joey Bonitati, Luna Bozeman, Biraj Dahal, and Trevor Squires. A total of 25 teams participated in the contest.

The local organizers for the conference we Meredith Burr and Mark Cawood. The conference had 542 registered participants and was sponsored by Cengage, Hawkes Learning, Macmillan Learning, Maplesoft, McGraw Hill Education, and Pearson.

Read more about the MAA meeting here.


Clemson Mathematical Sciences also hosted the 15th Mixed Integer Programming Workshop (MIP2018), June 18-21, 2018, jointly with the Department of Industrial Engineering. The meeting took place at the downtown Greenville campus. Local organizers for the meeting were Akshay Gupte (chair) (Mathematical Sciences), Matthew Saltzman (Mathematical Sciences), and Cole Smith (Industrial Engineering). Invited speakers for the conference were

  • Bob Bixby, Gurobi Optimization
  • Chen Chen, The Ohio State University
  • Gérard Cornuéjols, Carnegie Mellon University
  • Yuri Faenza, Columbia University
  • Ricardo Fukasawa, University of Waterloo
  • Matthew Galati, SAS Institute Inc.
  • Andres Gomez, University of Pittsburgh
  • Aida Khajavirad, Carnegie Mellon University
  • Pierre le Bodic, Monash University
  • Quentin Louveaux, Université de Liège
  • Marco Lübbecke, RWTH Aachen
  • Miles Lubin, Google
  • Stephen Maher, Lancaster University
  • Enrico Malaguti, Università di Bologna
  • Jim Ostrowski, University of Tennessee
  • Joe Paat, ETH Zurich
  • Annie Raymond, University of Washington
  • Suvrajeet Sen, University of Southern California
  • David Shmoys, Cornell University
  • Cole Smith, Clemson University
  • Wolfram Wiesemann, Imperial College London

Academic sponsors of the meeting were Clemson’s College of Engineering, Computing and Applied Sciences, the College of Science, the Department of Industrial Engineering, and the Department of Mathematical Sciences. Federal sponsorship came from the Office of Naval Research. Industry sponsors were FICO, Gurobi Optimization, IBM, MathWorks, Mosek, and SAS.