Mechanical Engineering

NSF CAREER Award 2015

Congratulations to Dr. Yue Wang! She has won the prestigious NSF CAREER Award this year, for her project “Cooperative Control and Decision-Making for Human-Agent Collaborative Teams”

This Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program grant addresses control and decision-making for human-robot collaborative teams. The project has two main research thrusts. The first thrust examines a team consisting of a skilled human with knowledge of a certain manufacturing or sensing task, and a partially trained robot assistant that is capable of endless repetition without boredom or fatigue. The workload balance between the human and robot is governed by the trust that the human has for the robot, which is modeled mathematically as a function of the rate of improvement in performance and the rate of decrease in number of mistakes. Innovative trust-based algorithms will provide a balanced human experience and guaranteed team performance. The second research thrust will create novel planning strategies incorporating mathematical models of regret, an emotion central to human rational decision-making. Regret-based automatic decision-making aids will provide more human-like decisions for more natural human-robot interaction. Results from both thrusts of the project will ultimately enable transformative human-robot interaction technologies benefitting the U.S. economy and quality of life. The educational initiatives of this project will broaden participation of underrepresented groups in manufacturing and robotics research.

yue wang-045 yue wang-145

Click here for full details about the award.