Mechanical Engineering

Pictures from the Spring 2016 Doctoral Hooding Ceremony


Five mechanical engineering students received their Ph.D. degrees this spring:

  • Rohan Galgalikar
    • Dissertation Title: “Computational Engineering Analysis of Materials and Structural Aspects of Gas Turbine Engine Ceramic Matrix Composite Components”
    • Advisor: Dr. Mica Grujicic
  • Rahul Renu
    • Dissertation Title: “Product-Process Coupling to Enable Continuous Improvement of Assembly Processes”
    • Advisor: Dr. Gregory Mocko
  • Xinran Tao
    • Dissertation Title: “Design, Modeling and Control of a Thermal Management System for Hybrid Electric Vehicles”
    • Advisor: Dr. John Wagner
  • Tianwei Wang
    • Dissertation Title: “Investigation of Advanced Engine Cooling Systems – Optimization and Nonlinear Control”
    • Advisor: Dr. John Wagner
  • Dr. Jian Zhou
    • Dissertation Title: “In Vitro Multi Scale Models to Study the Early Stage Circulations for Single Ventricle Heart Diseases Palliations”
    • Advisor: Dr. Richard Figliola

Below are some pictures and video from the hooding ceremony.

Pictures from ME Department

Pictures from Clemson

Full broadcast from Clemson TV