Solveig Hanson

Solveig Hanson joined Dr. Virginia Moore’s Sustainable Cropping Systems Breeding group at Cornell University in January 2023. In her Research Support Specialist role, she coordinates research and outreach for the nationwide Cover Crop Breeding Network, including participatory on-farm trials of pre-commercial cover crop varieties. Solveig received her Ph.D. in Plant Breeding Plant Genetics from University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2020, where she conducted genetic, genomic, and participatory research focused on flavor in table beet. In a subsequent postdoctoral fellowship at the University of British Columbia, she coordinated a nationwide farmer variety trialing network and led a participatory carrot breeding project. When not in plant breeding mode, Solveig loves to be outside – hiking, swimming, paddling, biking, or amateur-style birding – or inside baking, writing, or providing a lap for her cat.