Clemson Online: Where Tech and Teaching Meet

Clemson Online Spring Events

Our Spring ’25 Online Instructional Development Calendar covers a wide variety of topics! Our Quick Hits sessions will help you learn about online teaching tools at Clemson, while our Presentations and Workshop Wednesdays cover best practices for online learning and accessibility. Check out some of our upcoming training sessions below!

Upcoming Training Events

All training sessions will be held over Zoom. After completing the registration form, you will receive an Outlook calendar invitation, including the Zoom link. All registrants will be sent a copy of the recorded training session.

January 15 – Workshop Wednesday: Developing Assessments and Course Policies with Generative AI

Join us for “Workshop Wednesday: Developing Assessments and Course Policies with Generative AI” on Wednesday, January 15, from 1:30-2:30 pm! This workshop will cover designing policies and assignments that use generative AI in your course. Designing assessments and policies that utilize AI will assist you in deliberately educating your students about these tools and how they can be responsibly utilized in your field.

Facilitated by Dara Abimbade, PhD, Digital Learning Strategist.

Register for Developing Assessments and Course Policies with Generative AI!

January 29 – Workshop Wednesday: Introduction to Adobe Premiere Pro Basics

Join us for “Workshop Wednesday: Introduction to Adobe Premiere Pro Basics” on Wednesday, January 29, from 1:30-2:30 pm! Adobe Premiere Pro is a powerful tool for creating professional videos and can be utilized in a variety of teaching situations. This workshop will cover getting started with Adobe Premiere and developing a video editing workflow, and will include helpful demonstrations, tech tips, and possible teaching applications.

Facilitated by Chase Sanders, Digital Learning Designer.

Register for Introduction to Adobe Premiere Pro Basics!

February 6 – Quick Hits: Getting Started with New Quizzes

Join us for “Quick Hits: Getting Started with New Quizzes” on Thursday, February 6, from 3-4 pm! This quick hit will cover getting started with New Quizzes in Canvas. Participants will learn how to build questions in New Quizzes, use item banks, and navigate the tool efficiently. 

Facilitated by Gray Jackson, Sr. Learning Tech Specialist.

Register for Getting Started with New Quizzes!

February 12 – Introduction to PDF Accessibility

Join us for “Introduction to PDF Accessibility” on Wednesday, February 12 from 1:30-2:30 pm! This workshop will cover creating accessible PDFs from scanned documents, Microsoft files, and InDesign files as well as checking your existing PDFs for accessibility with the new Adobe Acrobat interface. Making all digital educational materials is important in every course, and this presentation will provide you with the information, tools and tips you need to get started with PDF accessibility.

Facilitated by Michelle Tuten, Accessibility Coordinator.

Register for Introduction to PDF Accessibility!

Full Spring 2025 Events Calendar

Collage image of month calendar with days of the week highlighted in orange, overlaid with orange tulips

Review our Spring 2025 Events Calendar to see what Online Instruction Development opportunities await!

We have a robust lineup of topics and live training formats to support your use of Canvas and other e-learning tools. Topics cover demonstrations of using Kaltura, engaging your students, and workshops to get your Canvas site ready to teach!

All of our live training is recorded. Registrants will automatically receive a link to that day’s video after it has been processed.

Contact Millie Tullis with any questions regarding these sessions.

Clemson Online – Where Tech and Teaching Meet