Clemson Online: Where Tech and Teaching Meet

Follow Up Friday

Plan ahead for the semester grading rush by familiarizing yourself with Speedgrader in Canvas! 

An orange and purple clock, set at 12:20.

From the Archives: Using Speedgrader to Save Time

As the end of the semester looms in the not-so-far distance, you might be thinking about a pile of grading you will need to tackle. Don’t panic! You can expedite your grading using Speedgrader and the tools in it. To get started, check out our Quick Hit training video on using Speedgrader in Canvas. In this video, you will learn ways to leave feedback, how to use rubrics to assign points, and more.

Upcoming Events

Wednesday, November 16th

Workshop Wednesday: Take Your For-credit to a Non-credit

This workshop will provide an overview of creating a non-credit course by modifying your pre-existing for-credit content. We will discuss the course development process and fee structure, as well as our available support services, such as instructional design, graphic design, and video creation. This workshop is open to all instructors, whether you have taught online before or not. Facilitated by Lori Kinley, Ph.D., Associate Director of Clemson Online. A Zoom link will be emailed to registered participants 24-48 hours before the day of the event.

Thursday, December 1st

Quick Hits: How to Manage Gradebooks – Finalizing Grades

Now that the end of the semester is upon you, it’s time to determine and process final grades. Join us to see what steps you can take to ensure that scores are adding up correctly and that your final grades are accurate. Facilitated by Axel Ruiz, Learning Technology Specialist. A Zoom link will be emailed to registered participants 48 hours prior to the day of the event.

Review Clemson Online’s Calendar of Events page to look at the rest of the development events we are offering in Fall 2022.

Contact James Butler with any questions about these sessions.

Clemson Online – Where Tech and Teaching Meet