Clemson Online: Where Tech and Teaching Meet

Bee a Friend to Pollinators

Congratulations to the first course from Clemson Cooperative Extension to gain QM Certification! Quality Matters Certification Announcement Clemson Online is proud to announce the first Clemson Cooperative Extension online course to earn Quality Matters certification. The course, Bee a Friend to Pollinators: Pollinator Education and Agricultural Literacy for Educators and Students, guides K-12 educators as […]

Follow Up Friday

If you missed the debut of our pre-made Canvas design elements in the Faculty Resource Center, then check out this Follow-Up Friday to learn all about it! From the Archives This week, we want to replug the new Faculty Resource Center Canvas Design module. This module contains resources such as guides, templates, page dividers, and […]

Courses Launching

COFFEE Canvas Training Starts Today! If you missed out on registering for our Canvas training course COFFEE by February 1st, then you are in luck but you need to act fast! The directed learning COFFEE course that trains you on how to best use Canvas to teach starts today! When: February 7th, and runs till […]

Non-credit Online Courses Launching Soon

Clemson Online wants you to know about our Non-Credit Online Courses! We support a number of faculty who, through the Cooperative Extension Program in the College of Agriculture, Forestry and Life Sciences,  offer courses open to the public through the Extension Program. These courses range from topics such as Foresty and Wildlife Resources, Horticulture, Agribusiness, […]

Use Canvas to Create Courses for the Public

Try converting your for-credit course to a non-credit course! Have you ever thought about making your specialty course available to more than just Clemson students? Clemson Online is running a workshop on Thursday, April 29 at 10 am that will help you reach a wider audience by converting your course to non credit and teaching […]