
Ways to be successful at the career fair

February 7, 2020

By Harrison Wall, PRTM Communications Intern

Going to the CEPA/PRTM career fair on February 17? Here are some tips to help you get the most from the experience.

The PRTM Career Fair is on Monday, February 17 between 9 am and 1 pm in the Hendrix Center.

The PRTM Career Fair is an opportunity for students to find internships, practicums or summer job opportunities, while also making valuable industry connections.

Research companies that interest you

Before the career fair, you should select companies that they are interested in speaking with and do a little research on that company. Great places to look would be the company’s website or LinkedIn. This will give you confidence and also show that you are interested in the company. This may also help to narrow down your search, because you may find a little more about the culture of the company and some of their key values.

Use resources provided by the university

Clemson University has some great resources to use to prepare for the career fair, like the Michelin Career Center. Here students can attend resume workshops and even mock interviews.

The elevator pitch is something that each student should practice before going. This is a quick 45 to 60 second introduction that states your name, major, graduation date, and some of your aspirations.

I recently competed in an elevator pitch competition where students present to employers the value they could offer to the company and then connect by asking for an interview or employment opportunities. When presenting to an employer, saying something you find interesting about the company is always beneficial and shows the company that you have interest. Next, do not be afraid to ask what opportunities that the business has in the future, but also know what exactly you are looking for.

Ask questions

Asking questions can be beneficial to you as well as show the company you are with that you came prepared. Some great questions to ask would be:

  • What is your role in the business?
  • What kind of education/experience do you need to get into this field?
  • What do you think the most important skills are for success in this field?
  • What’s your organization’s culture like?
  • What makes your organization stand out amongst the competition?
  • How can I help you meet your goals?
  • Would you like to keep in touch?

For the day of the career fair, you should have up to date resumes and between 10 to 12 copies. Remember to dress for success and if you do not have professional attire there is now an on-campus Career Closet students should check out.

I know personally that career fairs can be stressful, but by being prepared, asking questions, and knowing future goals the career fair can lead to some great opportunities for internships or a career after college.

This year there will be around 40 employers at the career fair, which will be held on February 17, 2020 in Hendrix Student Center. For a more detailed timeline, visit the PRTM career fair website.


Clemson University senior and PRTM communications intern Harrison Wall.

Harrison Wall is currently enrolled at Clemson University as a Marketing major and a Communication Studies minor, graduating in December of 2020. He is a PRTM communications intern that assists with planning and generating content for social media.