Regulatory Services

Director’s Letter

Steve ColeNovember historically has been a time when we pause and give thanks for the many blessings in our lives.

Before President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the resolution on Dec. 26, 1941, that established the fourth Thursday in November as the Federal Thanksgiving Day holiday.

Before President Lincoln gave his Oct. 3, 1863, Thanksgiving Proclamation. Even before the colonists at Plymouth shared their autumn feast with the Wampanoag Native Americans in 1621, harvest celebrations were a time of reflection.

Thanksgiving at my house is a cherished time to gather with loved ones and celebrate our many blessings.  I am thankful for many personal and professional blessings in my life, but I’m incredibly thankful for a wonderful group of work friends and colleagues in our Regulatory program who continue to amaze me with their hard work, dedication, and expertise.

Every day I get to work with some of the brightest and most dedicated employees in the nation and I couldn’t be more proud of each of you.  I hope this edition of our newsletter will help you meet and remember some of the many people who make our organization what it is.

Let me thank you all for what you have done and continue to do for our programs. We have a fantastic team! I hope each of you enjoy a restful and joyful holiday season with those you love the most.

Warm Regards,
