Oct. 22 is National Color Day! If there’s anything faculty and students at the Sonoco Institute know about, it’s color.
One institute pressroom assistant turned Graduate Assistant this semester, Dovie Jeffcoat, graduated with a B.S. in Graphic Communications May 2020 and is now pursuing her M.S. in GC. In 2019, Jeffcoat was awarded the coveted Gary Hilliard FQC Scholarship from FTA. Her research this year focused on how well Clemson University maintains brand color consistency when utilizing its renowned Clemson Orange.
“This research was conducted prior to the release of Clemson’s updated brand guide,” noted Jeffcoat. “The new color palette features a third Pantone color for Clemson Orange, which dictates how the brand color should look on uncoated paper. This addition is useful because color appearance can vary between coated and uncoated papers due to differences in ink absorption. The CMYK values for Clemson Orange have also been updated, which will affect the spectral data for CMYK samples in this article.”
Click below to read the full story published in the Sept. 2020 edition of FLEXO Magazine.