
Welcome to Clemson University’s Army ROTC!

September 6, 2018

Army ROTC is an organization that has its own unique culture and ethos. On zero-day, this was made clear as returning Cadets demonstrated a camaraderie that they extended to new Cadets without hesitation. Following introductions and company assignment, new Cadets were given paperwork and loaded with gear. This process was cumbersome but accompanied by assurances that the fun would soon begin.

Thursday rolled around and with a 5:45 PT engagement, Cadets were up bright and early to learn the basics of Army physical fitness. The format of PT was easy to grasp and participate in. Being confronted with an early wake-up time didn’t seem to faze anyone, and the event kept a positive tone throughout. Time was also used to introduce the squads to their mentors and further reinforced the idea that leadership are happy to help ease Cadets into the culture and expectations of the Fightin’ Tigers Battalion.

The first opportunity to wear our uniforms presented itself in the form of the introductory lab. After taking roll, we went down into an auditorium in Strom Thurmond Institute, where we learned about what programs were available through ROTC, provided one has the initiative and will, anyone can participate in anything offered. Senior Cadets lined up to tell us of their first hand experiences with clubs and programs which, coupled with professional grade cinematography, provided an exemplary introduction to what resources a Cadet can tap into. Despite all that, I can’t help but feel the immense weight of the decisions that will have to be made during my time here. As a freshman, the future is so open that it’s frankly intimidating, and no amount of preparation from the older Cadets can ease that sense of excitement derived of uncertainty. Only one thing remains clear, and that is, with ROTC I will get out exactly what I put in.

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