Drifters Project Art ExhibitionThe Lee Gallery at the Clemson University Center for Visual Arts (CVA) first art exhibit of the fall semester focuses on the importance of striking a sustainable balance between nature and the current global consumer culture with Pam Longobardi’s “Drifters Project,” on display Aug. 21-Sept. 27.

Plastics are integrated with every aspect of our lives from the smallest little toy to life sustaining medical equipment and every other place in-between.  Artist Pam Longobardi utilizes these discards to make installations that explore our global culture through plastics that have been transformed by the ocean then collected, documented and re-presented by the artist into the gallery context.

“I am interested in the collision between nature and global consumer culture. Ocean plastic is a material that can unleash unpredictable dynamics,” Longobardi said. “I am interested in it in particular, as opposed to all garbage in general, because of what it reveals about us as a global culture and what it reveals about the ocean as a type of cultural space, as well as a giant dynamic engine of life and change.  As a product of culture that exhibits visibly the attempts of nature to reabsorb and regurgitate this invader, ocean plastic has profound stories to tell.”

The “Drifters Project” began in 2006 after Longobardi encountered mountains of plastic being deposited on remote islands in Hawaii by the ocean. Since that time she has removed thousands of pounds of material for re-examination. Visitors to the Lee Gallery will experience various installations along with select paintings and drawings.

This innovative art collaboration is part of the Lee Gallery at the Clemson University Center for Visual Arts (CVA) commitment to support the institutions 2020 ClemsonForward Strategic Plan to provide educational activities that expose students to research through artistic means. This type of exposure encourages dialogue surrounding supporting a sustainable environment.

The Lee Gallery at the Clemson University CVA will be open for this exhibit 9 a.m.–4:30 p.m. Mondays-Thursdays. It is located in 1-101 Lee Hall, 323 Fernow St. There will be artist talk followed by a reception on Aug. 25, 5:30 p.m. The exhibition, artist talk and reception are free to the public because of the generous support given to the Center for Visual Arts. For more information about this exhibit, contact Lee Gallery Director, Denise Woodward-Detrich at woodwaw@clemson.edu. Visit www.clemson.edu/cva to learn about exhibitions in the Lee Gallery as well as other Center for Visual Arts activities and events.