Clemson Visual Arts

Clemson University to feature prominently in Artisphere’s 20th anniversary

The 20th anniversary of Artisphere, the Upstate’s premier celebration of art and artists, will once again be tinted orange as artists, professors, staff members, alums and volunteers from Clemson University play a big part in the popular public event Friday-Sunday, May 10-12. The festival, founded in 2003 to “enhance the quality of life and economic vitality […]

Spring exhibitions showcase visual arts students’ creative works

The Clemson Visual Arts (CVA) at Clemson University is gearing up to honor artistic excellence through a series of student showcases this spring. The exhibitions invite the public to witness the remarkable work of emerging art undergraduates, culminating in the highly anticipated Spring Studio Ceramic Sale. Among the highlights is the unveiling of ten Bachelor […]

Clemson ceramic studio presents Spring Ceramic Sale inspired by NCECA Conference travel

Students and the public are invited to join ceramics enthusiasts for the annual Spring Ceramic Studio Sale on Wednesday, April 24 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the Lee Gallery Hallway. The sale, hosted by the Clemson Ceramics Association student organization within the Department of Art at Clemson University, offers a wide selection of functional ceramic work by talented […]

Department of art’s annual fall Ceramic Bowl Sale Nov. 20

Meredith Mims McTigue, Center for Visual Arts CLEMSON — The ceramics studio in the department of art at Clemson University will hold the annual Fall Ceramics Bowl Sale from noon to 5 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 20, in the hallway in front of the Lee Gallery in Lee Hall. All proceeds support student scholarship and travel to the annual […]

Clemson students’ spring 2019 Community Supported Art shares on sale now

Meredith Mims McTigue, Center for Visual Arts CLEMSON – Over the past seven years, the Clemson Community Supported (CSArt) program has been a popular way for the public to build a relationship with student artists. Shares for this spring season’s engaging and unique art-shopping experience are available now. The program is a new spin on […]

Clemson University Fall Ceramics Bowl Sale will be Nov. 14

CLEMSON — The ceramics studio in the department of art at Clemson University will hold the annual Fall Ceramics Bowl Sale from noon to 5 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 14, in the hallway in front of the Lee Gallery in Lee Hall. All proceeds from this popular annual sale supports student travel to the upcoming National Council on Education […]

Fall for the arts this season with the Clemson Visual Arts

Meredith Mims McTigue, Center for Visual Arts CLEMSON — The Clemson Visual Arts (CVA) at Clemson University is set to host an outstanding season of events this fall. From visiting artists to student exhibitions and seminars, the CVA calendar has unique and transformative experiences for all. LEE GALLERY EVENTS The Lee Gallery is our flagship […]

Spring Ceramics Studio sale and CSArt shareholders event to be April 25

Meredith Mims McTigue, Center for Visual Arts CLEMSON — The ceramics studio in the department of art at Clemson University will hold its Spring Ceramics Studio sale and Community Support Art (CSArt) Pick Up from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. April 25 in the hallway in front of the Lee Gallery in Lee Hall. The popular annual […]

Passport to the Arts combines art and technology

    Meredith Mims McTigue, Center for Visual Arts February 2, 2018 The Lee Gallery at the Clemson University Center for Visual Arts and the Arts Center of Clemson will host the popular and unique celebration of the arts with the signature town-gown event “Passport to the Arts” 6-9:30 p.m. March 2. Now, in its […]