CLEMSON – The Clemson Community Supported Art (CSArt) program is launching its eighth season. CSArt is a popular initiative that connects the public with Clemson art students while engaging in a unique art-shopping experience. The program is a new spin on the grassroots “Community Supported Agriculture” farm share concept, which provides fresh produce for investors […]
Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands by Andy Warhol “Warhol: Portraits and the Everyday” will open Jan. 22 and continue through March 6, 2019, at Lee Gallery, the primary exhibition space for Clemson Visual Arts (CVA). The first gallery exhibition of the spring semester at Clemson University will feature original art from one of the most […]
CLEMSON — The ceramics studio in the department of art at Clemson University will hold the annual Fall Ceramics Bowl Sale from noon to 5 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 14, in the hallway in front of the Lee Gallery in Lee Hall. All proceeds from this popular annual sale supports student travel to the upcoming National Council on Education […]
Meredith Mims McTigue, Center for Visual Arts CLEMSON — The ceramics studio in the department of art at Clemson University will hold its Spring Ceramics Studio sale and Community Support Art (CSArt) Pick Up from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. April 25 in the hallway in front of the Lee Gallery in Lee Hall. The popular annual […]
Meredith Mims McTigue CLEMSON — Clemson University visual arts students will be on full display this spring in the Clemson University Center for Visual Art’s (CVA) gallery spaces. The second half of the semester features a calendar full of student exhibitions. Both Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) and Master of Fine Arts (MFA) graduating students present […]
CLEMSON — Between the walls of Lee III, Clemson University students learn the foundations of art and architecture. The award-winning building is home to many of the College of Architecture, Arts and Humanities’ programs – and now it’s home to “Foundation,” a new piece of public art that seeks to inspire students, faculty and visitors alike. The large-scale […]
Meredith Mims McTigue, Center for Visual Arts February 2, 2018 The Lee Gallery at the Clemson University Center for Visual Arts and the Arts Center of Clemson will host the popular and unique celebration of the arts with the signature town-gown event “Passport to the Arts” 6-9:30 p.m. March 2. Now, in its […]
Meredith Mims McTigue, Center for Visual Arts “Troubling Beauty” showcases original paintings and hand cut paper collages on view at the Lee Gallery at the Clemson University Center for Visual Arts with a artist talk and closing reception Feb. 8. Yvette Cummings Oil on Canvas 48″ x 60″ Culling through scattered memories of the past and […]
Meredith Mims McTigue, Center for Visual Arts CSArt Share Students The Ceramics studio in the department of art at Clemson University will hold its Spring Ceramics Studio sale and Creative Inquiry Community Support Art (CSArt) Pick Up on 10 a.m.-5 p.m. April 26 in the Lee Hallway in front of the Lee Gallery. The popular annual […]
Meredith Mims McTigue, Center for Visual Arts CLEMSON — The Lee Gallery at the Clemson University Center for Visual Arts and the Arts Center of Clemson will host the popular and unique celebration of the arts with the signature town-gown event “Passport to the Arts” 6-9:30 p.m. March 3. Now in its seventh year, “Passport […]
Meredith Mims McTigue, Center for Visual Arts CLEMSON — Clemson University’s National Print and Drawing exhibition, “Adaptable: Facing the Future,” opens Thursday in the Lee Gallery and will be available to the public through March 15. The juror and awards presentation and reception will be 6–8 p.m. Feb. 17. Since the beginning of our time on Earth […]
Meredith Mims McTigue, Center for Visual Arts CLEMSON — The Center for Visual Arts (CVA) at Clemson University has hit the ground running in 2017, having already opened four new exhibits, hosted an artist talk and celebrated the sale of the spring 2017 shares of Community Supported Art (CSArt) student-created work. The CVA’s calendar continues […]