College of Agriculture, Forestry and Life Sciences

Samadi honored with prestigious award

Vidya Samadi, Clemson assistant professor of water resources engineering and director of the Hydrosystem and Hydroinformatics Research (HHR) Group receives the prestigious 2024 Mid-Career Award for Applied Research from the Universities Council on Water Resources for her research focusing on leveraging advances in hydroinformatics and cyber-physical systems to address challenges associated with water resources modeling.
Vidya Samadi, Clemson assistant professor of water resources engineering and director of the Hydrosystem and Hydroinformatics Research (HHR) Group receives the prestigious 2024 Mid-Career Award for Applied Research from the Universities Council on Water Resources.

Vidya Samadi, assistant professor of water resources engineering and director of the Hydrosystem and Hydroinformatics Research (HHR) Group in the Clemson University – College of Agriculture, Forestry & Life Sciences, has been honored with the prestigious 2024 Mid-Career Award for Applied Research from the Universities Council on Water Resources for her research focusing on leveraging advances in hydroinformatics and cyber-physical systems to address challenges associated with water resources modeling.

This significant accolade recognizes Samadi’s outstanding contributions to applied research in the field of water research.

Her impactful research has been consistently supported by various National Science Foundation (NSF) programs such as CBET, CMMI, and Geo Cyberinfrastructure, in addition to other agencies including the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and USDA.

Learn more about Samadi’s remarkable work and achievements at Clemson University.

Videos of work being done in Samadi’s laboratory.