Our publication was recently recognized by the College of Behavior and Social Science:
The Clemson University College of Behavioral, Social and Health Sciences (CBSHS) has recognized faculty from each of its seven departments for outstanding research publications.
Rachel Mayo, associate dean for research in the College, said this distinction was based on research published in the last three years that had the most citations in other research publications.
“These publications exemplify the breadth and depth of outstanding scholarship in the behavioral, social, and health sciences,” Mayo said. “These faculty authors are recognized by their peers as their work is cited both nationally and internationally.”
De Visser, E. J., Pak, R., & Shaw, T. H. (2018). From “automation”to “autonomy”: the importance of trust repair in human–machine interaction. Ergonomics. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/00140139.2018.1457725