
Advisory Board Presented Hard Hats

December 5, 2017

Last summer, the Department received a $2 million dollar National Science Foundation grant. The grant will allow the first major restructuring of the Glenn Department of Civil Engineering in 50 years and is aimed at creating a model for academic departments around the nation to follow. Eighteen civil engineering faculty members and social scientists developed the project over a period of two years.

To celebrate this accomplishment, we presented a Clemson Glenn Department of Civil Engineering hard hat to all incoming sophomores at the beginning of the semester. This his group will be the first to see the how this grant will benefit their undergraduate education and their future as a civil engineer.  The hard had presentation was a great success!

During our fall Advisory Board meeting, several undergraduate students met with the Board to discuss the importance of the RED grant. Our external Advisory Board members support the Department throughout the year and offer guidance and leadership to our administration, faculty and staff.  During the fall meeting, student representatives presented our advisory board with a personalized hard had to commemorate the occasion.

Images of several of the Advisory Board receiving their hard hats.