Emeritus College

2017-2018 Emeritus College Donor Honor Roll

The Emeritus College would like to thank the following emeriti for their generous donations for 2017-2018. 

John Acorn

Joe Allen

Subhash and Vera Anand


Myra Armistead

Lance Bell

John Bennett

Adolph Beyerlein

David Bodde

Jim Brannan

Joel Brawley

Joan Bridgwood

Ida Briscoe

Farrell Brown

Walter Castro

Donald Collins

Garnet Craddock

Janet Craig

Lynn Craig

Michael Crino

Thomas Dickens

Joseph Dickey

Chip Egan

Ralph Elliott

Dwaine and Lucy Eubanks

Maurice Ferree

Lewis Fitch

Carolyn Foster

Joseph Gaddis

Larry and Linda Gahan

John Gilreath

Bhuvenesh and Dixie Goswami

Robert P. Green, Jr.

Joel Greenstein

Imtiaz and Mary Haque

Harold Harris

Hoke Hill

Robert Hogan

Bonnie Holaday

Mike Hood

Gordon Howard

Julius Hubbard

Joan Hudson

Robbie Hughes

Hsein Juang

George Kessler

Gaydon Kingsland

Richard Klein

Michael Kohl

Ernest Kozma

Robert LaForge

Harry Law

Roger Liska

Larry McCollough

Robert McElreath

Philip McGee

Rob Roy McGregor

Don McKale

John Meriwether, Jr.

Thomas Overcamp

Walt and Rameth Owens

Barton Palmer

James Palmer

James Patterson

Gary Powell

Christian Pzirembel

Libby Queener

Virgil Quisenberry

M. Elaine Richardson

Brad Russell

Raymond Sawyer

David Senn

Ben and Lois Sill

Ben Skardon

Thomas Skelton

Dolores Stegelin

DeWitt Stone

William Surver

Karyna Szmurlo

Jerry Trapnell

Buford Trent

Donald Turk

Albert Turner

Raymond Turner

Jerry Waddle

Sam Wang

Donna Winchell

Marian Withington

Arthur Young

Paul Zielinski