Awards: Completed work for a Duke Energy Foundation grant, contributing to professional development courses for K-12 teachers at the Bad Creek Outdoor Laboratory. Plans are to repeat the funded course next summer (2019) as well.
Teaching: Completed teaching the graduate course (BIOL 8410), ‘Understanding Ecology and Ecosystems’ as part of the online MS in biological sciences. I have also agreed to return this fall (2018) to teach BIOL 4430, ‘Freshwater Ecology’.
Volunteer Details: I continue to assist the CU Plant Problem Clinic providing identifications of algae for SC ponds and lakes.
Other Details: For the 2018-19 academic year, I will continue as the interim program director for the Archbold Tropical Research and Education Center, Clemson’s field station in Dominica. I hope to assist with the recovery efforts after Hurricane Maria and to hand my duties to a successor during this time.I am also continuing as associate editor for ‘Lake and Reservoir Management’, the journal of the North American Lake Management Society.