Emeritus College

Stone, DeWitt

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DEWITT STONE has continued to be actively involved in the academic world since his retirement as Assistant VP for Academic Affairs in October of 2001. His interest in South Carolina history led to his writing five articles for the South Carolina Encyclopedia, and his book Wandering to Glory: Confederate Veterans Remember Evans’ Brigade was published […]

Cranston, Mechthild

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Since her graduate student days, Dr. Mechthild Cranston (Professor Emerita of Languages) has been an active professional, enjoying teaching and/or studying at universities here and abroad (Marburg, Germany; Paris, France, and Perugia, Italy).  She has received NEH and/or ACLS grants to Yale, Stanford and Paris and was awarded a knighthood by the Prime Minister of France […]

Palmer, R. Barton

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Dr. R. Barton Palmer, Calhoun Lemon Professor Emeritus of English, retired from Clemson University in 2018 after 23 years of services. While at Clemson, Dr. Palmer served as Director of the World Cinema Program. Book Details: With Murray Pomerance of Ryerson University, Dr. Palmer recently published a co-edited multi-author volume, THE MANY CINEMAS OF MICHAEL CURTIZ […]

Young, Art

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Dr. Art Young, Professor Emeritus of English and Robert S. Campbell Chair retired in 2009. Award Details: Inducted into the College of Architecture, Arts and Humanities Hall of Fame on Friday, March 9, 2018, as a member of the second class of inductees. Teaching/Advising Details: I regularly enroll in OLLI courses at Furman, and I teach […]

Bodde, David

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Dr. David Bodde, Professor Emeritus of Automotive Engineering, continues to be very involved since his retirement in 2017. Book Details: The book is “Chance and Intent: Managing the Risks of Innovation and Entrepreneurship”. The first edition was published by Routledge in 2012, and the publisher would like to bring out a second edition…revised to include […]

Hill, Hoke

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Dr. Hoke Hill, Professor Emeritus of Mathematical Sciences, retired in 2014. Along with leading numerous study abroad trips, Dr. Hill also serves as the Chair for the Emeritus College Executive Committee and is a member of the EC Advisory Board. Teaching and Advising: In summer of 2017, I led a five-week Clemson study abroad trip […]

Cross, Sydney

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Alumni Distinguished Professor Emerita of Visual Arts, Sydney Cross, retired in 2015. Professor Cross was recently honored at the CAAH Dean’s Gallery. Click HERE for more information about the exhibition. She also has had exhibitions in Iowa, Texas and the Los Angeles Printmaking Society Membership Exhibition. Award Details: Received the 2017 Southern Graphics Council International […]

Reed, Iris B.

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Professor Emerita of Mathematical Sciences, Iris B. Reed, retired in 2000. Volunteer Details:  I currently am filling most of my free time doing volunteer work for my church, Holy Trinity Episcopal Church and St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Pendleton.  I compose and compile our monthly church newsletter, Tempo.  I also am active in Episcopal Church […]

Sparks, Elisa Kay

Associate Professor Emerita of English, Elisa Kay Sparks, retired in 2013. Book Details: About halfway through my magnum opus, currently titled “About a Hundred Flowers” detailing botany, mythology, literary allusions of all references to 99 or so flowers in Virginia Woolf’s fiction, essays, and life writing. Digital Publications: Writing my 77th out of 97 essays […]

Hood, Willam (Mike)

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Dr. Wm. Michael Hood, Professor Emeritus of Entomology retired in 2013. He was extension/Research Apiculturist where he co-founded the South Carolina Master Beekeeper Program in 1995. He continues as an instructor in the programs certified and Journeyman levels. Dr. Hood continues to publish and is an active volunteer in his retirement. Published book titled “The Small Hive […]