We welcome you to join the ADVANCEment team in open discussions about ideas that are important to you. Please drop in and have a conversation over a cup of coffee with these months’ featured speakers, and learn about initiatives that are institutional practice today and priorities moving forward.
Mon, January 29th – Meet Angie Leidinger, Senior Vice President for External Affairs and Senior Advisor to the Board of Trustees
Monday, January 29th, 2:00-3:00pm, Cooper Library 309. Faculty ADVANCEment Coffee Klatch with Angie Leidinger, Senior Vice President for External Affairs and Senior Advisor to the Board of Trustees. Come hear about Clemson University’s Office of Governmental Affairs and learn about the issues that the SC General Assembly is considering this term. This is a great opportunity to ask questions and have a conversation about the ways this office works to develop and foster relationships with local, state and federal officials to benefit our students, faculty and staff. Come join us! RSVP here or visit the event’s Calendar.
Wed, February 28th – Learn about the Clemson University Ombuds office from Tessa Byer
February 28th, 12:00-1:00 – Faculty ADVANCEment Coffee Klatch – Come learn about the Clemson University Ombuds office from Tessa Byer. Hear from Tessa about how this office is a resource for faculty and learn about the kinds of issues and resources the office can help with. This is an opportunity to ask questions and have a conversation about one of the key offices on campus that helps faculty navigate issues of concern and potential conflict. Come join us! RSVP here or visit the event’s Calendar.
Thu, February 22nd – Informal lunch and conversation about how women at Clemson continue to adapt to the legacy effects of the COVID-19 pandemic
Thursday, February 22, in Cooper Library 309, 11:30-1PM. Adjusting your career path as the higher education landscape evolves: an informal lunch and conversation about how women at Clemson continue to adapt to the legacy effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. To foster community among women at Clemson, the Commission on Women, the Women’s Leadership Program and the Office of Faculty ADVANCEment invite faculty, staff and students to lunch and conversation around these important issues. Our conversation will focus on both the temporary and permanent changes to the higher education landscape resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic and how we can support and advance issues impacting women at Clemson. Please RSVP by February 16 using this link. Lunch will be provided by the Women’s Leadership Program. Please come anytime between 11:30-1:00p on February 22.
Wednesday, May 8 – Meet Anna Courie, Clemson University’s Chief Wellness Officer.
Wednesday, May 8, 12:00 -1:00. Faculty ADVANCEment Coffee Klatch. Come meet Clemson University’s first ever Chief Wellness Officer, Anna Courie. Anna will share her perspective on wellness and how she is approaching her first 6 months in this role. We will have a conversation and discussion on wellness in a faculty context. Come join us for coffee and a sweet treat. Cooper Library room 416 from 12-1pm.