Name: Robert Stallard
Year Graduated: 2014
Degree from Clemson:
B.S. in Industrial Engineering
What are you doing now?
I was accepted into Harvard Business School in the spring, and am currently taking some time off before classes start in late August. Prior to that, I worked at Bosch in Charleston, SC as a Manufacturing Engineer supporting the production of high-pressure gasoline fuel pumps.
How did your experience at Clemson University help you find your first position after graduation?
First and foremost, the career center at Clemson was so helpful in creating and developing my resume. That combined with experience from summer internships and word of mouth from other students was how I came to apply at Bosch in Charleston and to land my first job out of college.
If you had to do it all over again, what would you do differently?
What would you look for if you were in the position to hire new graduates from Clemson?
Enthusiasm and knowledge of the company I work for. I did a lot of co-op interviews while working for Bosch, and those were the only things I really looked for. Make sure to research the company you’re interviewing with, and ask questions that you can’t find the answers to from their website. This shows initiative and that you’re actually interested in the company and not just trying to land any job you can get.
What advice would you give to current IE students?
Take economics and accounting/finance classes if you can to supplement your IE classes. It will help down the road.
What was your favorite part about your time at Clemson?
Football season!!! And the friends and wife I met while there 🙂
How can we contact you?
Instagram: @jrstallard, LinkedIn: Robert Stallard