Mechanical Engineering

Bostwick featured in NSF’s Awesome Discovery Series

New research by Dr. Bostwick on droplet motions has been featured in NSF’s Awesome Discovery Series (video #2) .  The work is described in the recent article entitled “Droplet motions fill a periodic table” published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences on February 21 . The research team, which includes Dr. Paul Steen (Cornell University) and Dr. Chun-Ti Chang (National Taiwan University), developed a classification system for droplet motions that is inspired by the parallels between drop shapes and the atomic orbitals that give rise to the unique structure of the periodic table of chemical elements. Theoretical predictions have led to the discovery of the first 35 resonance modes in experiment, which exhibit irregularities in their ordering, similar to those seen in the chemical periodic table. This work can be used to improve our understanding of forensic analysis, the manufacture of silicon chips, and 3D printing technologies.

Josh Bostwick