Congratulations to the newest Doctors of Philosophy in Mechanical Engineering, Dr. Masoud Farahmand and Dr. Junkui Huang! Dr. Farahmand did his disertation on Cavopulmonary Support for Failing Fontan Patients: Computational and in Vitro Assessment. His advidor was Dr. Ethan Kung. Dr. Huang did his dissertation on Hybrid Ground Vehicle Thermal Management System Using Heat Pipes- […]
Congratulations to our own Michael Justice for winning A CECAS Technical Staff Member of the Year Award. His hard work, dedication and skill make him an invaluable member of our team!
Congratulations to Mechanical Engineering Student Mitra Shabani for receiving an invitation to Future Faculty Development Program at the University of Pittsburgh Swanson School of Engineering as part of the Alliances for Graduate Education and the Professoriate program sponsored by NSF. Mitra is a fourth year PhD candidate in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Clemson University […]
A group of German students from University of Applied Sciences – Landshut recently visited Clemson for an educational tour of our facilities and campuses. They were able to enjoy many of the fun things the area has to offer including tailgating before the Texas A&M game. They also enjoyed hiking, rafting and other social activities. Dr. […]
Dr. Suyi Li won a 3-year, $276,000 grant from the Dynamics, Control and Systems Diagnostics program of the National Science Foundation. Here is a brief non-technical description of the project: This project supports the fundamental research that aims to harness elastic multi-stability and transform the design and dynamic control of compliant and continuous robots (aka. […]
Mechanical Engineering professor Dr. Cameron Turner won the ASME’s Computers and Information in Engineering 2019 Distinguished Service Award. This was presented to him by CIE Division Chair Dr. Yan Wang at the ASME convention in Anaheim, CA on August 19, 2019. Congratulations Dr. Turner! Dr. Cameron Turner
Mechanical Engineering student Nicole Zero had the opportunity to intern with Boeing in Charleston, SC. She was able to share some of her experience in this video produced by Boeing. Take a look and see the meaningful, real world experience Clemson Mechanical Engineering students are getting!
Josh Summers was elected to the Advisory Board of the Design Society ( at the ICED (International Conference on Engineering Design) in Delft, Netherlands, August 5-9, 2019. Georges Fadel was elected Vice President and continues as member of the Board of Management of the Design Society. A paper entitled: A Review of Affordances and Affordance-Based […]
Congratulations to Mechanical Engineering Student Malena Agyemang for receiving an invitation to ACTIVE, the CU Engineering Faculty Development and Leadership Intensive, in September at Colorado University. More about ACTIVE: ACTIVE, the CU Engineering Faculty Development and Leadership Intensive, is an expense-paid, three-day program open to domestic doctoral students and new post-docs whose identity community/ies have been minoritized […]
Dr. John Wagner received recognition from Serita Acker (Director of PEER/WISE) for commitment to diversity and inclusion on the Clemson University campus. The department has participated in the Project WISE Summer Camp for many years in which middle school girls learn about mechanical engineering concepts through the analysis and operation of remote controlled vehicles. This […]
Mechanical Engineering Professor Ardalan Vahidi has co-authored a new book with fellow author Antonio Sciarretta. The book, Energy-Efficient Driving of Road Vehicles discusses how connected and automated vehicles are marketed for their increased safety, driving comfort, and time saving potential. With much easier access to information, increased processing power, and precision control, they also offer […]
Clemson ME Student Anthony DiNardi wanted to study aeronautics but this wasn’t available to him at Clemson. So he took advantage of Clemson’s study abroad program to broaden his educational and cultural horizons! Read more here
Congratulations to Dr. Fadi Abdeljawad who was awarded the Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Award by Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU) For more information:
The Clemson Formula SAE team did well in the Michigan Formula SAE International competition. Clemson was ranked 19th out of 108 teams that competed. Congratulations to all the hard-working team members.
Thank you to all of the Grads and their families who spent time celebrating with us last night at Kresge Hall. We wish you all the best in your future careers and educational plans. Please enjoy the photos from last night’s event here.