Mechanical Engineering

Clemson Career Workshop Summer 2017 – Introduction to Engineering

This summer, 30 underrepresented high school students from across the state of South Carolina and even some parts of North Carolina participated in the Clemson Career Workshop.  The summer residential workshop combined learning opportunities with sessions on college preparation and life skills that increase the likelihood of success for a diverse population of eventual underclassmen.  […]

Todd Schweisinger Works to Fund A Gift of Perpetuity

Humility is a trait that cannot be taught; it is learned through experience and an inner desire to help others more than ourselves. This is an appropriate description of former Clemson student and now Senior Lecturer of Mechanical Engineering Todd Schweisinger, Ph.D., P.E. Schweisinger, who is in his early 40s, realizes that many people his […]

DOE Gives Clemson Grant To Study Energy Efficiency Through Automated Vehicle Technology.

The Department of Energy has awarded researchers at Clemson University “$1.16 million to research the use of connected and automated vehicle technology to help boost energy efficiency.” Dr Ardalan Vahidi, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, is Principal Investigator will lead the project. The grant is part of DOE’s “$19.4 million investment package through the Vehicle Technologies […]

Clemson Creative Inquiry Team Wins Award

The Creative Inquiry team led by Dr. Rodrigo Martinez-Duarte received and third place and an honorable mention at the Student Poster Session of the Spring Meeting of the Electro Chemical Society in New Orleans Louisiana. 70 student posters (mostly by graduate students) were judged. We presented three posters total, all from the same Creative Inquiry […]

Dr. Pataky Given Award

Seven faculty members in the College of Engineering, Computing and Applied Sciences received awards on May 10 at a dinner held in their honor and attended by their families, colleagues and top college officials. The award winners were: Molly Kennedy, Sez Atamturktur, Garrett Pataky, Amy Apon, Ronnie Chowdhury, John DesJardins and Simona Onori. Seven outstanding […]