Multi-User Analytical Lab

Multi-User Analytical & Metabolomics Lab (MUAL)

Course: Analytical Techniques (Clemson University, PES8090)

Data collection & method development for proposals and manuscripts. Utilized by >50 research groups in Clemson University.

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Advanced training on designing, executing and interpreting metabolomic experiments through Independent Study (PES8060).

Meet the analytical needs of universities, industry, & agencies – UFL, WSU, UD, UMass, UC Davis, USDA


Discover Our Analytical Lab Services

Multi-User Analytical Lab (MUAL) is an analytical facility within the College of Agriculture, Forestry, and Life Sciences assisting researchers to undertake complex analytical experiments in life sciences and environmental sciences.

The facility focuses primarily on chromatography and mass spectrometry-based analyses of small molecules. Along with targeted quantitave analyses of biomolecules and xenobiotics, we specilizes in global metabobolomics in biological and environmental systems. We follow GLP guidelines in all analyses and maintain the highest scientific integrity and transparency.

The facility is part of the academic research lab of Tharayil research group, where we share the techniques, instrumentation and analytical expertise developed over a decade with the larger research community. Regular quantitative analyses are provided on a fee-for-service basis, while more complex/novel analyses are performed on a collaborative-basis due to the higher commitment on time, intellect and resources.

Some of the analyses that we offer include:
  • (Ultra) trace analysis of biomolecules and xenobiotics in diverse biological and environmental matrices
  • Characterization of small molecules using ultra-high resolution mass spectrometry
  • Targeted small molecule and metabolomic analysis
  • Global metabolomic analysis (plant metabolomics undertaken only as collaborative project)
  • Global proteomics [label-free]
  • Isotope-based metabolic flux analyses [15N]
  • Biotransformation of pesticides and xenobiotics (Collaborative projects only)
  • More details of the specific analyses can be found here

Our group also offers researchers a wealth of post-analyses services, including compound identification using in-house and online mass-spectral libraries, statistical analyses of complex data, metabolic pathway analysis, as well as provides training for graduate students and postdocs on sample collection, processing, method development, and instrumentation through the graduate course (PES 8090).