Multi-User Analytical Lab


Molecular characterization and quantification of metabolites and other chemical compounds is a vital technique to all disciplines whose emphasis ranges from genes to ecosystems. Along with the routine quantitation and characterization of compounds that are of natural and synthetic origins, MUAL undertakes method-development for enhanced sensitivity for quantitation of compounds from biological and environmental matrices through various sample purification and analytical approaches.

We work closely with researchers to optimize analytical procedures for which we have the instrument capability.

Please contact us to determine feasibility of specific analytical techniques.

Molecule Characterizaion and Quantification Graphic - Abstract

The routine analyses that we perform are listed below.

Targeted Analysis

Targeted Analysis

High sensitivity detection and quantitation of small molecules in biological and environmental systems. Absolute quantitation is possible with non-labeled standards and stable isotope labeled standards.

Untargeted screening of 1000’s of potential compounds that comprise of products and intermediaries of primary and secondary metabolic pathways in biological systems. Relative quantitation is made possible with stable isotope labeled internal standards.